Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Cook Islands Teen Attacked by Tiger Shark While Spearfishing, Lucky to be Alive

Penrhyn Island, Cook Islands (Mar 5, 2007 15:36 EST) A northern Cook Islands boy is lucky to be alive after being bitten on the leg by a Tiger shark.
The Cook Islands Times says 16-year-old Turua William Maretapu was swimming over the reef into the lagoon at Penrhyn after spearfishing.
He spotted the shark and fired at it.The shot missed and the shark bit his leg.
The newspaper says luckily others were on the reef nearby and helped him.
They included his uncle, who had been trained in first aid by the Red Cross.
The Cook Islands Times said Turua was rushed to hospital, where the doctor said the first aid probably stopped him bleeding to death.

1 comment:

Dan Morash said...

This is a valuable lesson for this boy, and he is lucky to be alive. Although we do not know the whole store, when you are in the water, your in the sharks home and curtain measures can be done to prevent such an even from occurring, like not swimming in the early mornings and in the evenings when sharks are most likely feeding. In addition, in this individual’s case, if you spear fishing there is going to be blood in the water, which will most likely attract shark, and if you shoot at the shark to see what happens, be ready for the consequences. He lucky it was just a bit and the shark did not come back for more. However, I really do not know the whole story.